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I Belong Here - State Fair Mural


I Belong Here

Over the 12 days of the Minnesota State Fair, hundreds of people stopped by the Cultural Destinations Boutique to place a special mark of belonging on a canvas called, The Circles of Belonging.

They were from all across Minnesota, the nation, the world. People in wheel chairs, vision impaired or with hearing loss, families with children, grandparents, young people enjoying the fair, or people just walking by - they all stopped and said - "What a great idea." "Thanks for doing this" and then with color, thoughts and emotion placed a unique personal mark on this canvas of the human heart....

Three messages emerge from the Circles of Belonging: 

I Belong Here

There is space here for everyone

Together we create something beautiful

"Hundreds of people shared an important message - I Belong Here!", said Dr. Bruce Corrie with the Cultural Destinations Boutique which hosted this space. "The richness of our human experience from all walks of life, of our diverse faith traditions, of our home towns or countries of origin, of our friendships and insights from life - all of them made this canvas a kaleidoscope with beautiful views of the human heart and our belongingness"

"The mural in itself was a visible reminder that there is space for everyone in our community and each adding their own presence brings a beautiful presence to the whole, " Corrie added. "I greatly appreciate all those who participated in the Circles of Belonging."

Here are some stories from those who shared their thoughts with us....

  • I shared an outline of the mountains of Tibet...

  • The neurodiversity of my son who has Angelman Syndrome

  • I wrote Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in memory of my daughter who passed away.

  • I wrote "Live" said a young girl because people do not know how to live.

  • Strong lines to keep my daughter in life lines

  • I painted a small symbol in my art for someone in my family suffering from cancer said a young girl.

  • "You are Enough" wrote a TV news reporter after she did a story on the mural for WCCO.

  • Greetings from many countries and cultures.

  • Cultural entrepreneurs from 30+ countries and cultures, featured in the boutique shared an expression of belonging on the mural

​Below is a collage of picture showing messages on the mural.

"I wanted to capture our journey of belonging through a series of circles that would represent the beautiful world we live in and so chose a circular canvas to begin with," said "Reta" Richards the lead artist. "Each guest artist would paint a circle from their artistic and cultural traditions and then I worked to connect these circles of belonging in a meaningful and artistic way. Every day of the Fair, I would create spaces for people to express themselves on the canvas"

The Circles of Belonging art canvas will be shared with communities across the state and the world. Watch for details on this page. The tour currently is going through the Twin Cities metro area, Rochester, Willmar, Saint Cloud, Bemidji, Cass Lake, and Moorhead. Other cities will be added. See stops on the tour below.

"Please share with your family and networks this free digital postcard of the Circles of Belonging" said Dr. Bruce Corrie. "A powerful and timely message - I Belong Here!"


Download the free digital postcard at the bottom of this page.

For those who are interested in a print, t-shirt, mug or tote, you can find print on demand options at this link - Look for the "I Belong Here" titles:

If interested in bringing this mural to your community please email Dr. Corrie at  There are no fees to bring the mural to your community. See tour schedule of the mural below...


A brief profile of the lead and guest artist follows:

Lead Artist Reta's  art blends various styles and is an expression of her soul in color. 

Andrew Bickett - is a muralist who also works in "cardboard art."

Erika Herrera - is an artist who works in digital art bringing to life the colors of Colombia.


Akossiwa Medowokpo - with roots in Togo, Africa brings out vibrant colors and shapes in her art.

Sheela Terakanambi  - brings the traditional folk art forms of India in her art.

Pa Chia Xiong  - is an artist rooted in her Hmong culture and integrates her art into a designer line of clothing and fashion accessories.

In addition to the artists, the leadership team at the Cultural Destinations Boutique (Emma Corrie and Sally Richards) and others worked with people participating in the mural.

​​Cultural Destinations is a strategy based on joy where businesses share their culturally inspired products and services and visitors enjoy this cultural experience. At the same time this strategy builds wealth, especially in diverse communities. A Cultural Destination has these unique elements - culturally inspired products and services, a unique story, integration of cultural elements such as music, art, cultural events and offering a quality and welcoming experience to the visitor. Dr. Bruce Corrie is a pioneer in this strategy around Cultural Destinations and has worked in the space for over two decades. If you wish to join the Cultural Destination Network please contact


The Cultural Destinations Boutique offered a cultural destination at the Minnesota State Fair, 2024 where over 40 small businesses offered products and services from over 30 different cultures and countries. Visitors enjoyed participating the Circles of Belonging, world music, guest artists and authors, Culture is Cool Fashion Show in partnership with Minnesota African Fashion Week and Chiagu, LLC and other activities. Supporters of the Cultural Destinations Boutique include the Minnesota State Fair, Little Africa/African Economic Development Solutions, Hmong American Partnership, Maharajas, and The Saint Paul and Minnesota Community Foundation.


The Circles of Belonging Institute offers strategies and events to create an environment of belonging in the workplace, business or community. For more information contact

Tour Dates:

October 3, 4-7 pm, Rondo Public Library, Saint Paul

October 4, 10 am to Noon – Willmar Public Library

October 4, 2-45pm to 5:45 pm – Saint Cloud Public Library

October 7, 3 – 5 pm, Rochester Public Library

October 9, 4- 7 pm, Bemidji Public Library

October 10, 10 to 1 pm, Moorhead Public Library

October 10, 3-5 pm, Detroit Lakes Public Library


Collage of Art from Circle of Belonging

Let’s Create 
Spaces of Belonging

To receive updates on how to access the finished mural or to bring it to your community - please sign up or send an email .

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